Salem Campus Responds to Urgent Need to Help 87 Cats

Teams from Portland and Salem work together to provide immediate care to at-risk felines. The call came into OHS’ Humane Law Enforcement team while they were out assisting with another case. But the situation was urgent. As many as 100 cats and kittens were living in unsanitary conditions with many needing immediate medical care. This […]

The Race to Save King Kong

King King arrived at Willamette Humane Society with a desperate plea to save his life. Like many animals that come to a shelter, King Kong arrived in a time of need. Left on the doorstep of the Willamette Humane Society (WHS) in Salem with a note attached to his carrier, King Kong had a life-threatening […]

Help for Reactive Rovers

Leash reactivity is one of the most common behaviors in dogs but OHS has tips and classes to help. Many dogs bark when they see other dogs out on a walk, out of the window or along the fence line. But, just because it’s natural behavior, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to help your […]

Giving Back on #GivingTuesday

More than 6,000 pounds of pet food distributed on OHS Community Resource Day. #GivingTuesday is all about generosity, compassion and supporting organizations and programs that serve the community. At the heart of Oregon Humane Society’s mission to create a More Humane Society is preserving the animal-human bond. Since the beginning of the pandemic, keeping that […]

Bacon Bubbles, Audio Books and Bird Videos

How enrichment techniques help fearful pets blossom. What do bacon bubbles, audio books and bird videos have in common? They are all enrichment tools used in the Behavior Modification (BMod) Program at the Oregon Humane Society. The BMod team works with dogs and cats who come to OHS needing in-depth care to address their fears, […]