Collect Reyclables with BottleDrop
In 2024, Recycle for Rescues brought in over $14,000 for animals at Oregon Humane Society and ensured they were taken care of while in their home-between-homes.
How does it work?
- Pick up a Blue Bag from either the OHS Salem or Portland Campus.
- Load the Blue Bag with your recyclable bottles and cans at home.
- When the Blue Bag is full, drop it off at a BottleDrop redemption location.
Please note that full Blue Bags cannot be left at our shelters. They must be brought to a BottleDrop redemption location to help the animals. - BottleDrop will scan the QR code on the outside of the Blue Bag when it’s received and proceeds will automatically go towards helping OHS Salem and Portland shelter pets and programs.
Where can I find BottleDrop Blue Bags?
BottleDrop Blue Bag dispensers are located in the lobby of both the OHS Salem or Portland Campus.
Where can I bring my full BottleDrop Blue Bags?
Once you’ve filled your BottleDrop Blue Bags at home, simply drop them off at any BottleDrop redemption location. BottleDrop will scan the QR code on the outside of the Blue Bags when they’re received and proceeds will automatically go towards helping OHS Salem and Portland shelter pets and programs.
Please note that full Blue Bags cannot be left at our shelters. They must be brought to a BottleDrop redemption location to help the animals. Any full BottleDrop bags left at our shelters will be discarded.
Can I donate from my own BottleDrop account?
Absolutely! Donating from your balance online is easy. Log into your BottleDrop account, click the “Fundraiser” tab, click “Donate to a Featured Fundraiser” and search for Oregon Humane Society.
Interested in collecting recyclables at your workplace, school, or housing complex?
We’re here to help! Contact us and we’ll get you prepped with a starter kit.
Contact Us
Recycle for Rescues Program
(503) 802-6766