It’s never been easier to help OHS shelter pets!
We have some exciting news!
Effective January 1, 2023, OHS Salem has partnered with BottleDrop Give! BottleDrop partners with 503(c) nonprofits to allow community members to donate their recyclables while supporting OHS Salem’s shelter pets and services.

How does it work?
- Pick up a blue bag from OHS Salem Campus at one of our two dispenser locations: outside OHS Salem shelter front door or at the entrance of OHS Thrift Store in downtown Salem.
- Load the bag with your recylable bottles and cans.
- When the blue bag is full, simply drop it off at one of BottleDrop’s drop off locations. The locations nearest to our Salem shelter are listed on the insert included with your BottleDrop blue bag.
- BottleDrop will scan the QR code on the outside of the blue bag when it’s received and 100% of proceeds will automatically go back to helping OHS Salem shelter pets and programs.

Where can I find BottleDrop blue bags?
At OHS Salem Campus, the BottleDrop blue bag dispenser will be located just outside our front door. At OHS Thrift Store, the dispenser will be located just inside their front door and available during all open hours.