Woman with small and speckled dog gazing at the river view

A Call to Be More Humane

We know you love animals as much as we do. Perhaps you have recently adopted or have been a supporter of OHS for years? Next time your phone rings, it could be OHS calling with an invitation to be part of our PAWS program.

OHS is Calling

We are working with our friends at DVCanvass, tele-fundraising to discuss the many ways that OHS is expanding our ability to care for animals and their families, and how you can directly impact the lives of animals in our community and beyond.

PAWS (Planned Account Withdrawal System) monthly donors enable OHS to respond quickly when animals need us. When a hurricane makes landfall and displaced animals in desperate need of care, your consistent donation makes it possible for us to save these animals at a moment’s notice. When an animal is abandoned or abused, your donation is what provides the care they need to recover and find their forever homes. As a PAWS donor, you are the hero that animals in need rely on.

You may be wondering how you specifically are saving animal lives. Here’s how:

  • $15/month can vaccinate 25 pets entering the shelter
  • $25/mo can spay/neuter 7 pets entering the shelter
  • $42/mo can transport 13 pets from smaller shelters
  • $84/mo can provide a pet 20 days of comprehensive shelter care (President’s Circle Giving Level)

Whatever your budget allows, every single dollar is used to save lives. We hope you answer the call to help create a More Humane Society!

Callers can direct you to this page and call back from (503) 983-7203, if you would like additional peace of mind.

If you have questions or would like to speak with an OHS staff member about a call you received, please contact our donor services team at (503) 802-6793 or click the button below.