Behavior and Rescue Center

The Behavior and Rescue Center provides an immediate shelter for animals who need to heal, physically and socially. The dedicated Animal Rescue Center provides immediate space for animals in peril.

Landing Pad for Recovery

Interior shot of behavior and rescue center cattery with OHS staff member and shelter cat
interior shot of OHS staff member socializing with shelter dog in oregon humane society behavior and rescue center
interior shot of oregon humane society behavior and rescue center dog agility equipment and trainer working with shelter dog

The Behavior and Rescue Center allows animals with behavior challenges to learn to trust people. Our dedicated team is committed to helping these pets become ready to be adopted into a new home.

While some rescued animals become well-socialized family pets, others may be traumatized and need rehabilitation and extensive care before finding a loving home. We owe it to them to provide a safe and quiet space made for longer-term stays and not in the confines of a busy animal shelter.

Cat posing for the camera in Oregon Humane Society Behavior and Rescue Center
OHS BRC trainer and dog interacting
shelter dog peaking out of dog kennel in oregon humane society behavior and rescue center