Finding a home for a “bonded pair” can be challenging, particularly when they are mature dogs like Baby and Cookie. The pair of toy poodles had lived with each other nearly their entire lives, and needed to find a new home where they could continue to live together.
At eight and nine years old, respectively, the two poodles spent nearly a month at OHS waiting for the right family to spot them. They came to OHS after their previous owner had died. The owner had enrolled in the OHS Friends Forever™ program, which ensures that OHS will care for a pet guardian’s companion animals and find them loving homes if the owner passes away or becomes incapacitated.
Baby and Cookie arrived at the shelter in early December. Potential adopters were told that if they adopted one, they had to adopt the other—splitting up the pair of life-long companions was not an option.
Fortunately, a teacher from Centennial High School saw the pair when she was bringing her students to the shelter for a tour. One of the teacher’s daughters, an OHS volunteer, had also seen the two dogs and urged her to adopt. The teacher’s other daughter, who lives away from home, saw a video about the dogs on YouTube and also fell in love.
After a successful pet meet at OHS with the teacher’s dogs (a miniature poodle and a Chihuahua), the deal was sealed. An OHS adoption counselor described the pet meet as “one of those things that just happens. Everyone feel in love.” The pair were adopted on Jan. 11. We’re told that Cookie has quickly adapted to his new life while Baby, always a little more nervous, is adjusting more slowly.
For more information about ensuring life-long care for your pets if you are not able to provide for them, visit the OHS Friends Forever™ page.
Success Stories
Read about pets and people recently helped by Friends Forever: