Back to School – Helping Your Pets Adjust

Back to school time can also be an adjustment for your pets.

As the playful days of summer transition to the busy back to school season, schedules can become busier and packed with sports and homework. All this change can be confusing for your pets, especially if your family spent lots of time with them over the summer and now everyone is suddenly gone all day.

Here are some tips from OHS Training and Behavior department to help your pets adjust:

  • Spend extra time in the morning with your pet doing their favorite activity, like walking or playing with a toy.
  • Get the whole family involved in after-school playtime.
  • Give your pets fun things to do when you are gone, like puzzle toys and kongs stuffed with treats.
  • Consider taking your pet back to school too – enroll your pet in an obedience or agility class.
  • Consider doggie daycare or a dog walker if your dog likes playing with other dogs.
  • Dogs and cats thrive on routine, so try to establish a set routine as soon as possible.