Tell Washington to Stop Hiding the Records of Animal Abusers

Dogs rescued from a breeding operation by OHS in 2011.

Without warning, the US Department of Agriculture has removed from its website important inspection records about commercial dog breeding operations, animal research labs, roadside zoos and other facilities. The purging of these records without warning is a major setback for those seeking to protect animals from neglect and abuse.

These reports provide essential information to the public regarding how facilities comply with the federal Animal Welfare. The licenses of puppy mills have been revoked based on these reports—which are now no longer available.

Contact your Senator or Representative in Washington to voice your opinion. We should be shedding light on animal abuse, not sweeping it under the rug.

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OHS CEO Sharon Harmon, with Nick (dog) and Senator Wyden.

Senator Ron Wyden Visits OHS

On Feb. 25, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden visited OHS to talk about this important issue and what can be done to call our national government into action against the suppression of information. OHS thanks Sen. Wyden for his support of this cause.

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Update Feb. 7 in Science Magazine »

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