Happy Tails: Rolling Along with Rita

The Second Chance Program brings nearly 8,000 pets to OHS each year to find a loving home. Often, they come from 100+ miles away. However, one of the most memorable adoptions of 2018 was of an old, nearly blind pit bull-type dog named Rita who came to OHS from Multnomah County Animal Services.

More than a year after she went home with Dave, OHS received a touching update about Rita and her new life.

Dear OHS,

Rita is an amazing girl and I could not do without her to be honest.

A little background history. (Rita is lying next to me, snoring, so I think she is not interested in commenting at this time.)

I found Rita while looking at the (OHS) website. She looked scared and alone in the pic but beautiful. I think what really sold me on taking a look at her (thank God) was the description of her as being good for seniors – she was older, very gentle and loving. I did come to view her on Friday night and fell in love with her. Yes, she is all that I expected and more! I love this old gal.

She is pretty much blind, very arthritic and stiff when walking. But are we not all when we get older? I live close to a park and took her down there several times only to have her lay down and not want to walk anymore. She was sore and done. Problem? She is 60 pounds and a lot to carry home! I did it numerous times before I came up with the idea of a stroller for her. I found a stroller on Craigslist for $30 and took it home to modify it to accommodate Rita. She LOVES it. We go to the park every day. I take her out of the stroller and let her do her business, then it’s back to her wheels of freedom to go home. Perfect for her to get out and about, and for me as well.

To sum it up, Rita has been a gift from God to me. She is my love. She sleeps with me and basically runs the house! Everyone at work asks all the time about how Rita is doing. We had Christmas cards done so her pic is hanging up all over the district.

I thank the Oregon Humane Society for posting her story and letting me meet up with her. She is perfect. My advice for anyone looking for a companion: NEVER pass up the senior dogs. They know how much you love them and can bring so much happiness into your life.

– Dave (and Rita)