Eager to introduce more accessibility to the youth volunteer program, Monica Nash, OHS Volunteer Engagement Manager, created a unique solution called Partner Pairs. This program enables youth volunteers who need special accommodations to volunteer alongside a trusted parent or guardian. These junior animal enthusiasts spend their volunteer time interacting with and learning about animals in a setting that works best for them.
When “Big” Ash and “Little” MJ of Big Brothers Big Sisters Columbia NW reached out with an idea to volunteer at OHS because of their shared love of animals, Monica knew the Partner Pairs program was right for them.
The duo went through the standard volunteer orientation and training, and selected dogs as their primary species of interest. Together, they began working with OHS shelter dogs—cleaning kennels, taking them for walks on the dog path, and giving out lots of gentle pats and treats.
As the pair learned new skills together and spent quality time giving back to animals, their own bond began to strengthen. Volunteering was a unique and rewarding way to spend time together.

Excited by the success, Big Ash planted the seed with the team at Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the idea for a collaboration took root.
Monica connected with Corporate Relations Manager Katie MacDonald of Big Brothers Big Sisters and a formal (paw)tnership was born.
Today OHS has seven Partner Pairs from Big Brothers Big Sisters and the human/animal bonds are flourishing!
In the coming year Monica aspires to make even more connections with other local agencies. So far, OHS has also worked with the SUN community school program and the Boys and Girls Club of America to inspire the next generation of animal advocates.
“Youth volunteers are trusted volunteers at OHS. They bring a fresh and unique perspective, and it feels really empowering” says Monica.
When people, big or little, come together for the love of animals, incredible bonds are formed and a new generation is inspired to create a More Humane Society for years to come.